LAFC Affiliates CSL
LAFC Affiliates Cal South
LAFC Affiliates USSF

LAFC Affiliates wpsl
LAFC Affiliates US Club Soccer
LAFC Affiliates US Youth Soccer
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Inside LAFC Cosmos


LAFC Cosmos is a sporting organization with a unique and distinguished focus on leading and guiding young people of all races and economic situations to the destination of a brighter future and a better life.

We use athletic competition, in this case, the sport of soccer, as the platform to accomplish our youth development goals. Our vision is to provide professional and collegiate opportunities for our players and to make a positive impact on players’ lives. Sport and soccer is the beacon that brings youth to us.


  • The preeminent training center for youth players in the US.
  • We offer a platform for talented youth to play professionally in US. and throughout the world.
  • We’ve increased opportunities and options for economically disadvantaged players.
  • We provide training and exposure for youth players of all abilities.
  • We stand alone as the best known and most highly respected club in the country. We are recognized as a national brand.
  • We win on the field, including wins against the National teams of U.S.A. and Mexico. And having both Development Academy teams in the National finals in July and then having the U18 team in the nationally televised game rocketed LAFC to national prominence.
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